Section 518

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Archive for the ‘SNY’ Category

Happy Recap! Not So Fast…

Posted by JD on May 23, 2009

What a game! Omir Santos hit a clutch, clutch, clutch (too many clutches?) home run. The Mets came from behind, JJ Putz closed the door, and all was well in the world.

Or was it? While SNY twiddled their thumbs (and showed Yankees highlights), Twitter exploded after the win with bad news:

@metsjetsgirl ogh;sfugahifgha Frankie out indefinitely with back spasms. Seriously, what are they feeding this team???

@metsgeekette Arrrrrrrrrrrre youuuuuuuuu kidding me w/ this injury plague BS?!?!?!!!!?!??!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lajs;dkjf;alsjf;lgajslkdjfasd

@fullnelson What the Frack? (New York Mets) RT @kerelcoop RT @NYPost_Mets K-Rod is now sidelined indefinitely by back spasms.

@fifthand56th RT @NYPost_Mets K-Rod is now sidelined indefinitely by back spasms.

@fifthand56th Oh god… RT @NYPost_Mets: K-Rod just collapsed from the spasms outside the clubhouse and is requiring medical attention.

@maverick4880 RT K-Rod just collapsed from the spasms outside the clubhouse and is requiring medical attention.

@fifthand56th RT @NYPost_Mets K-Rod is now crying from the spasms as the EMTs arrive.

@hotfootblog Ok, NOW it’s a crisis. RT @NYPost_Mets: K-Rod just collapsed from the spasms outside the clubhouse and is requiring medical attention.

@metsgeekette ohshitohshitohshitohshit #frankiefeelbetter

@hotfootblog RT @NYPost_Mets A stretcher has just been called for K-Rod outside the clubhouse.

@BothTeamsPlayed Machine now understands why you cry. (Not directly related, just seemed appropriate).

@maverick4880 @NYPost_Mets was first to post the K Rod Situation.

@metsgeekette Twitter is blowing my mind right now. #frankiefeelbetter

@maverick4880 Praying for K-Rod…this is a sad situation if it is serious

@kerelcoop RT @NYPost_Mets: K-Rod just collapsed from the spasms outside the clubhouse and is requiring medical attention.

@djeffreys @mets_geekette same goes for me…after the high of that win, that is quite a low. Hope K-Rod feels better with some medical attention!

@avivero212 @Section518: *BLANK STARE* Whats in the water over there or what type of new xcerise regiment are they practicing? *SMH*

@jamiekrycek WHAT????? no way. #mets RT @NYPost_Mets K-Rod is now sidelined indefinitely by back spasms.

@metsjetsgirl [Too soon… til we find out what’s wrong!!] RT @Section518: RT @hotfootblog: There’s no crying in baseball! (too soon?)

@MetsMerized Everyone pray for K-Rod the person, and that whatever is going on will pass and that he’ll be ok.

@djeffreys I’m hopeful that , in a fit of rage, Jonathan Papelbon hacked Bart Hubbuch’s twitter feed. Is that too much to ask?

@metsgirl4ever RT @MetsMerized: Everyone pray for K-Rod the person, and that whatever is going on will pass and that he’ll be ok.

@metsgeekette @djeffreys That would be an ingenious use of technology by Papelbon. I wish it.

@fifthand56th Oh my goodnessss I love twitter right now, more than ever. #mets

@michealnichols @ChrisCarlinSNY keeps plugging KRod interview. Do they not know what happened?

@hotfootblog Interview with K-Rod by Kevin Burkhardt on SNY coming up. Not sure when he did the interview, had to be before he collapsed.

@fifthand56th @NYPost_Mets Thank you for the K-Rod updates as everything was happening, it was definitely appreciated. I hope he is alright… 😦

@metsgeekette RT: @pattigibbons: RT @MetsMerized Everyone pray for K-Rod the person, and that whatever is going on will pass and that he’ll be ok.

@metsfanforever I truly hope he’s all right

@NY_Post_Mets Here is more on the K-Rod medical situation:

@maverick4880 @NYPost_Mets Thanks for the updates….

@justinleon Fffffffffffdffffffffuuuuuuuu k-rod 😦

@KBurkhardtSNY KRod’s back spasms are a problem. He needed medical attention just to leave the clubhouse and was in tremendous pain. Great win though.

@jamiekrycek Poor Frankie. Pain absolutely sucks. That much pain? Yikes. Feel better soon, K-Rod. #mets

@metsfanforever I am so worried about K-Rod.

What a great win, what a rollercoaster ride after the game. Horrible, terrible, indefensible job by SNY. They’re supposed to be the home of the Mets. Instead, they wasted all of our time. Best wishes to K-Rod. Get well soon!

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